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2024/25 Leagues & Programs
Questions about programs? Contact us at info@btlsports.ca

Adult Soccer Leagues
Co-ed | Women's | Men's
Our adult soccer leagues provide a fun opportunity for competition! Games are 50 minutes in duration and played 5-a-side. Register your team in our 14-week fall season or 16-week winter season and join the fun! Individual registration is available but registration as a team is encouraged to guarantee league participation.

Adult Volleyball League
Our adult volleyball league provides a fun opportunity for competition! Register your team in our 14-week fall season or 16-week winter season and join the fun on the court! Individual registration is available but registration as a team is encouraged to guarantee league participation.

Homeschooler Sports Program
Grades 1-8
Join us on Fridays at BTL for a staff-led sports program for homeschooled students. Participants can look forward to learning new sports & skill while engaging in meaningful social connection! Learn more about our Fall & Winter sessions and register via the buttons below

Adult Pickleball League
Co-ed, Adult League
Join us this fall & winter for our pickleball league! This league provides competitive players a great opportunity to develop and test their skills while immersing in a fun and friendly environment! With weekly opportunities to compete as well as pickleball prizes to be won, we encourage you to grab your paddle and partner and sign up! More information regarding league structure and registration can be found at the links below: